Saturday, October 30, 2010

My First award !!!

My morning started on such a wonderful note today,after I visited my blog to find this most amazing appreciation award waiting  for me on my blog:)   from
Thanks to my dear blogger friend Cool Blogger,I am truly honored and hope to keep posting more interesting and innovative recipes for my dear readers and blogger friends & followers. I will be sharing this  award with my other blogger friends by the end of November . This is a terrific  bloggers community and I want it to thrive on inspiration and motivation by other  bloggers who share the same space and yet come up with so many different ideas :) Kudos to us all !!!

Three Cheers for dear coolblogger who bestowed this award upon me (my blog) -Hip Hip Hurray !!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kavitha,

    Congrats on your award...Do stop by my blog when you find time!!:)



Thank You :) For visiting my blog and writing your comments. Your comments are a constant source of inspiration. I look forward to them. So keep reading & writing .